EventFUL Bytes: Demystifying the myths facing Virtual Event Platforms

EventFUL Bytes: Demystifying the myths facing Virtual Event Platforms

Post Event Summary: EventFUL Bytes Session conducted on 18th April 2023.

How we marketers wish for certain features can be the game changers in the way marketing is being done. Sometimes vendors do listen to the demand, and it gets developed but many times we have to rely on the integrations and manual tedious work.

Referencing my recent virtual panel discussion where I was moderating the session on the topic of “Demystifying the myths facing virtual event platforms” with thought leaders, Khushboo Agarwal, Siddharth Vyawahre, Gaurav Soni, Jess Gondolfo and Dhiren Gala. They all are seasoned marketers and our discussion brought out some interesting insights-

  • Virtual Events are not going anywhere and to make the pre/ post event activities a breeze for the marketer, what is needed is segmentation pure play. Having deep insights into the attendees, attending different sessions, and engaging during the virtual event, can lead to designing transformative experiences and in turn give you an edge in your campaigns. This is a subject on which I will delve deeper with marketers in the upcoming discussions in the month of July
  • Engagement. After all, it always boils down to engagement. In the previous session of 4th April, this was highlighted as well. Let's move beyond, polls, and quizzes. What can be a better way to have real engagement, I believe the right question to ask will be to the audiences, what do they define as a “real engagement.” Food for thought and needs to be further analyzed in the coming sessions.

                                  Watch the highlights from the session

  • Immersive Virtual Event attendee experience, is an interesting insight and holds substantial weight. When for an in-person event, all the finer details of engagement and experience are evaluated at the minutest level, then why not for virtual events? My head is buzzing with so many ideas and I have even created a workflow on what aspects need to be considered for the next one!
  • Personalization, we do talk, debate and discuss at length on personalized experiences via ABM efforts or how to take the ABM to the ABX level. But how well, we are bringing the “customized” sessions? Taking a totally different angle towards it, based on the prospect's interests, we offer them personalized gifts/ coupons/ rewards, etc, but how about curating an event for that segment based on the intent? Worth exploring and yes, I would bounce this idea off my panelists during my upcoming panel discussion on 16th May, Importance of Rewards and Loyalty Programs when designing ABM Strategy
  • Live-Streaming. What’s the percentage of the events where you experienced live sessions vs recorded sessions? One of the challenges which was highlighted was, speakers/ vendors, are still shying away from getting their sessions streamed live and it is a showstopper. Imagine why would your prospects attend an event to watch the recording.
  • Language Localization. Since I am the consumer and producer of the content in the English language, hence I have not come across events that were produced/ showcased in other languages. But if you have any examples do share. This was an interesting ask from our panelists, imagine if you want to switch the language of the event from English to French or any other language of your choice. Is that possible?

Leaving you with these thoughts and as promised, full-length sessions are in the conceptualization stage on the interesting takeaways discussed above.

See you at the next EventFUL Bytes, in the discussion topic of your choice.

Check out the upcoming events, here.

Shikha Pakhide

Shikha Pakhide

B2B Growth Marketing Leader